
Showing posts from 2019

From the Blogger: 2019 Recap

Thank you for your support! 2019 was a wonderful year and I got some shoutouts I did not expect. Bands and breweries liked many of my tweets and I even ran into moments where a few artists actually retweeted me or even shared my content on other social media networks. Tyler knows the BEST. PAIRING. EVER. is MUSIC x BEER🤘 Check out his latest on Tastebuds Earbuds, featuring The Love Wheat Beer and @MissioMusic : — Starr Hill Brewery (@StarrHill) June 25, 2019 ok this is actually incredible — Top Bunk (@topbunk) January 15, 2019 I am honored. However, I am going to take a step back from this blog for the next few months. I had a goal of publishing four posts a month and I am happy to say that I have accomplished this. On this 48th post and after pairing 46 unique songs with 46 unique beers, I have come to realize blogging does take a lot more time and energy than one w