Black thoughts come!

"Black thoughts, they come like a gun on the hip, like a kiss on the lips. Doors shut no matter what. Black thoughts come!"
"Kid Midnight" by the underrated band, IRONTOM, is dark, fiery, and when watching the music video, a little insane. It starts out with some extremely heavy and hardcore strings followed by some even more hardcore vocals and lyrics.

The chorus, however, gives a little bit of light to the nightmare sounds.
"Hello, my name is Kid Midnight. The sky is mine. I'm Kid Midnight. All I wanna be is something better than me. I am Kid Midnight and it's almost sunset."
A smoked porter is the perfect type of beer to match with the evil sounds of this punk-rock song. Try the Smoked Porter by Alaskan Brewing Company, Epic Brewing Company, or Stone Brewing. All three are excellent and well established breweries but this post needed a few options as these are a little harder to come by.

If you have never heard IRONTOM before and you are looking for some new hard rock, definitely check out some more music by them such as "Be Bold Like Elijah" and their cover of "Feel Good Inc." by the Gorillaz. The band also does a stellar job by making an amazing guitar solo work with a slower song titled "Old and New Songs."

Song: Kid Midnight
Album: Kid Midnight EP
Released November 16, 2018
Listen on Spotify
Listen on YouTube

Beer/Style: Smoked Porter
Alaskan Brewing Company
Epic Brewing Company
Stone Brewing
ABV: 6.5%/5.6%*/5.9%
IBU: 45/Unknown*/53

*ABV and IBU for Epic Brewing Company's Smoked Porter is retrieved from their latest post on batch #41. Each release is different.


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