You're my hundred dollar day.

There's something about Tokyo Police Club...they're consistent and its great. If you haven't heard their music yet, just start with some of their hits such as "Your English Is Good" from 2008 or "Hang Your Heart" from 2016.

"I need your love. I need your car. I need you, baby. Forget the fights. Forget the shi*. I need you, baby."

They came back with a new song and you know its TPC when listening. They seriously deserve a bigger spotlight because their music as a collective is just super addictive. While their consistent with their sound, they are very unique. Their guitar, drums, keys, and vocals only sound like TPC and no one else.

"Such a slow change, slow sharks beneath the waves...handstands...'cause you're my hundred dollar day."

But what about their new song? It's called "Hundred Dollar Day" and they've done it again! You'll just have to take a listen for yourself but there is a real sense of nostalgia here. TPC is never over-the-top but instead creates music you can listen to over and over again just like the good ole radio days.

"Got a pocket full of pockets for you...celebrating on the a better mood."

If we listen to nostalgic music reminding us of the good ole days, then we must drink one of the classics while listening. How about Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale? It was created in 1980 and its a go-to for many reunions. It was created to be bitter—and at the time—it was considered a bitter beer. It might not be so bitter compared to many beers on the market today but isn't that what nostalgia is all about? It's about what was...not what is. After all, it's still a great beer.

Song: Hundred Dollar Day
Album: Single
Artist: Tokyo Police Club
Released December 2, 2020
Listen on Spotify
Listen on YouTube

Beer: Pale Ale
Style: Pale Ale
Brewery: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Chico, CA
ABV: 5.6%; IBU: 38
View Website


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